Tub Talk With The Hot Tub Lady

Black Friday Specials: A Deep Dive into iCare, Hot Tubs, and Solar-Powered Pergolas

Jacque Johnson Season 3 Episode 14

Get ready for an incredible journey into the world of hot tubs and iCare products with a special focus on Black Friday deals. We promise you'll get the inside scoop on Ideal Water Care's fantastic promotions, including choosing between a box full of Soft Skin Spa or a calibration kit when purchasing an iCare product. We want you to get the most out of your purchase, so we'll guide you on properly setting up the Eye Care for optimal performance, addressing all your concerns and queries. 

We're thrilled to take you behind the scenes of the Riptide Spa brand - a company with over 35 years of experience and a massive $100 million investment in a state-of-the-art factory. You'll learn about the simplicity and energy efficiency of their designs, their unique circulating system for crystal clear water, and their salt water ready hot tubs. And that's not all. We're also eagerly waiting for the upcoming launch of the Riptidespa.com website and the unveiling of exciting new products from Ideal Water Care. 

We're not stopping at hot tubs. Imagine a future where solar energy powers your hot tub. Sounds exciting? We thought so, too. Let's talk about the Ideal Pergola, a solar-powered pergola that can produce more power than a hot tub consumes. We'll outline the benefits of the Pergola and explain how you can receive a 30% federal tax credit and install it with ease. As we switch gears to discuss the benefits of cold plunges, we also want to extend our warmest wishes for Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Tune in, learn, and maybe even score a deal or two for yourself.

Get The Hot Tub Lady Black Friday Deals Here:
FREE Soft Skin Spa with iCare Purchase:   https://geni.us/balckfridayicare
FREE Hot Tub Scrub with Ideal Water Care Bundle:  https://geni.us/blackfridayidealsaving
FREE Hot Tub Scrub with Soft Skin Spa Purchase:  https://geni.us/BlackFridaySoftSkinSpa
10% Off Site Wide* with code SAVE10%  *Not Valid With iCare. www.shopthehottublady.com

Check out Jim's store at www.idealwatercare.com. 

Check out his new spas at www.riptidespa.com
Check out his new pergolas at www.idealpergola.com

💦💦 Looking for more excellent hot tub tips download the FREE 7-Page Hot Tub Care Guide:  https://www.thehottublady.co/7-hot-tub-care-guide

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☎Are you stuck on how to take care of your hot tub?   Book a 1:1 call with Jacque  The Hot Tub Lady and get a personalized plan on how to take care of your personal hot tub. ☎

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Speaker 1:

Guys, it is so great to see you. It has been quite a while. November's been relatively rough on me. I've had got hit with the COVID, followed up with some pneumonia, and now I'm finally back. But my good friend Jim Walls is like hey, we got to talk about these Black Friday specials because they are absolutely amazing, so let's bring him on now. And hey, jim, how are you today? And you are frozen.

Speaker 2:

I'm doing great. How about you?

Speaker 1:

There you are Now.

Speaker 2:

I can see you, I'm not frozen. Well, I'm great, You've got. I am frozen actually.

Speaker 1:

You've got a coat on and your face is not mine at all.

Speaker 2:

I know it's.

Speaker 1:

But I can hear you. That's the main thing.

Speaker 2:

Now Okay.

Speaker 1:

And now you're moving. Let's just get started today and you hit me up and you said hey, we need to do some Black Friday specials and, as everybody knows, we partner up on the websites as far as selling the eyecares and your chemical line, the ideal water care chemicals. So let's just give that a shot and let's tell people what we got going on, and then we'll talk about your new exciting stuff that you've got going on.

Speaker 2:

Okay, sounds great. So just let me know if, for some reason, I do cut out or something gets missed.

Speaker 1:

I definitely.

Speaker 2:

So so we've got several different different promotions for Black Friday. First one is for anybody who doesn't have an eye care or wants a second eye care. We're running a special to where, if you purchase the eye care, you're going to get your choice of either a full box of soft skin spa or a calibration kit. So it's either or you choose which one you want. With the soft skin spa, obviously, there is much more of a free value that is given with that, because that's typically, even when it's on sale, is $130 for the soft skin spa, so you get that for free, or you can do the calibration kit, which is a calibration kit, I would say, on average, is going to save you about $55, $55 to $65, depending on, you know, shipping and everything else. So you choose which one at whatever one you want on the sites. You want to make sure that you choose the correct eye care for your application.

Speaker 2:

So we manufacture two different eyecares one that is designed to go with chlorine or bromine and you'll see that it'll be listed for chlorine or bromine. And then we also make a second one that is designed specifically for saltwater. Now, for those that have saltwater hot tubs versus swim spas versus pools. If you've never had one, or maybe you do have one, there are some default settings with that and you want to make sure you make those adjustments because each spa manufacturer or swim spa manufacturer or pool manufacturer is going to have their own ranges of where they want you to have salt. The default setting is 3000 to 5000, but most hot tubs want you to be at 1750 to maybe 3300. So just make sure you make those adjustments and if you need help, just let us know and we'll gladly help you through that process. So that's promotion, black Friday's promotion number one.

Speaker 1:

Okay, if I can step in there real quick, go ahead Did you want to say something?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I do, because that is probably the one of the biggest issues I see when people do buy the eye care is they get really excited, they throw it in there and they're like, oh, it's going to tell me everything I need it to do and it is, it's going to do exactly that. But you do need to get it set up correctly in the first place and I suggest actually doing a source water test before you start doing your hot tub test, or basically get a baseline test before you actually start adding any chemicals to your hot tub and adjust your adjust your total dissolved solids before you start adding the salt to that, because that's that is probably the biggest mistake that I see, and then that can cause some issues and causes it to do like a partial drain or something like that. But if you get past that it's usually pretty darn good. That's what I have on that.

Speaker 2:

I agree it's a great point. So what Jackie's referring to you know what Jackie's referring to is to put your eye care in your water, in your source water. Let it do some test and it's going to tell you your TDS. And it's very common that source water TDS is there somewhere around 200. So what you want to do is you want to add that to the number that the manufacturer wants you to have in salt. So if the manufacturers want you to have, let's say, 1750 parts per million salt, you need to add that 200 in this scenario to that. So your minimum range on your eye care would be then 1950. And then your saturation point on a saltwater hot tub is right around 3300. Now if it's on a pool or some spot, that may be different. So we're just using that, that particular one, as the example.

Speaker 1:

Correct, and but why don't you get past that?

Speaker 2:

Anything else to add to that?

Speaker 1:

No, I think that's. I think that's really good and I think that's a super important piece of this. And the eye care is an amazing product and people are like, oh, it's confusing, it's just different. It's just different. You just got to learn. Or P versus PPM, and it's. You just got to make the adjustments at the beginning.

Speaker 1:

And once you figure out what your source water is and that's the problem with absolutely every test that is out there, whether it's a test strip, a test kit, a test, whatever it is everybody assumes there's just this general range and that's what's good for me out here in Nebraska, is good for you in Colorado, and that's not the case. You have to start with your source water and we have to adjust accordingly. So you should always get a baseline reading and then we can adjust from there and once, once we get that baseline reading, then you can totally trust what's going on with your eye care or any other testing thing that's going on. But you do need to get a baseline and you need to figure out what your source water is before you can just start Follow.

Speaker 1:

I wish we could all with everything that I do on my end and everything you're doing now on the chemical end. I wish that we could just say here's the recipe, follow it. Everybody's is just a little bit different. There's no. If we could just publish the recipe book and say this is every hot tub out there and this is exactly what you need to do, we'd be rich. But that's not how it works. That's why the eye care is a great product for that, because it does test your water.

Speaker 2:

So on that, because we go ahead. Yeah, so no, go ahead.

Speaker 2:

So on that we want to make sure that people have their questions answered. And for anybody who does have the eye care, if you look at the app, you'll notice that there's a question mark in the upper right hand corner that is actually designed to answer your questions. So it you'll see different videos on there, you'll see different forms on there and if, for some reason, you don't believe your eye care is performing the way that it should be, there is, once you hit the question mark, there is a form on there called contact form, and if you simply fill that out, it'll turn around and go directly to our customer care. It still needs to load, so it'll go directly to our customer care. So there's that little question mark. So when you get that question mark, you'll see all the videos and everything else, but on the left-hand side you see contact form. So, again, if you believe your iCARE is not performing the way it should, you're going to hit contact form. You simply fill that out and you'll get an auto response from our server saying we've received your request.

Speaker 2:

Now, for some reason, you don't get that auto response. A couple of things could have happened. One, when you submitted it believe it or not, people do enter their email addresses incorrectly. So by entering your email address correctly, you should be getting that auto response. If you don't get an auto response within 10 minutes, we want you to turn around and redo the form, because you should be getting that. On that response, you're going to be seeing that we have received your request and we're going to be analyzing your iCARE over the next two days. So that gives our IT customer care time to go analyze to figure out how it was performing beforehand afterwards.

Speaker 2:

Currently, for as long as that information has been on our servers, they'll go back and analyze that. They may email you back saying that there's a couple of things you can try to be able to resolve, whatever your question is or whatever the issue is. But let's say that there is something wrong with the iCARE. The ultimate email you're looking for is the one that says we've determined what the issue is and your replacement part will be shipped in the next seven days. So we ship out replacement parts every week because these are made by people just like you and me and we take care of our customers. So that's the ultimate email you're looking for if there is an issue with your iCARE. So enough on that. I know we need to get back to the Black Friday specials, jackie. If I missed anything that is on your site, that's not on our site. By all means, please correct me Right. So the other one that I know, jackie has go ahead.

Speaker 1:

I was just going to say I just updated my site today Go ahead. Because I was updated my site today because people were having a little issue trying to figure out how to get everything. So mine are now bundles. So if you go to the actual products either the iCARE or the soft skin spa there'll be a bundle down there that you can click on. Once you click on that, it'll take you directly there. I believe you're set up the same way. You're going to have specific part numbers to actually get these specials.

Speaker 2:

Yes. And yours is going to be live, yes, but mine is, ours is not going to be active until Tuesday, so tomorrow it's going to go active. It's not active right now.

Speaker 1:

OK, so you can go to the hot tub, ladyco, and that is active today. Jim will be active at idealwatercarecom. That will be active on Tuesday. But they're very simple and then I'll have a couple other things to add when you go on. So those are either get the free soft skin spa or you get the free calibration kit with either iCARE. Purchase now through. Monday is when my sale ends, your sale goes through.

Speaker 2:

It'll also go through Monday.

Speaker 1:

OK, and then that's got, and you guys we don't put the stuff on sale ever. So these are some huge savings. You're already talking $129 on the soft skin spa, or you can get the $55 calibration kit, and that does qualify for the free shipping from either site. So keep that in mind as well, and then I'll let you move on from there, because there's some more exciting stuff coming.

Speaker 2:

OK. So if, for some reason, you already have your iCARE and you just want to get another kit of the soft skin spa, on the soft skin spa, we're going to include a free hot tub scrub. So the hot tub scrub is our, one of our newer products. It's a granular. It's good for draining and refilling two hot tub applications. You would only need half the bottle for a hot tub, or you would use the full bottle for a swim spa, and so the hot tub scrub if you've never used it before is designed to be able to. You would add it right before you drain your hot tub or swim spa and it's going to foam up. It's going to get all the stuff out of the plumbing lines. It also has a high level of hydrogen peroxide, so it does a great job with just cleaning it overall. And then it also has a deodorizer, so when you get done draining and refilling, the water smells incredible because of the deodorizer. It's an absolutely amazing product.

Speaker 2:

So that's going to be included free with the hot tub, so that's free with your soft skin spa purchase. And then on all of the other products we're going to be offering discounts as you order. And again you want to order. At least if you want free shipping you've got to order at least $99. So keep that in mind when you see the discount on all of the other products. If it drops below that $99, just make sure you add something little to make sure you get over that $100. So you get that free shipping.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, even if it's something simple like a pH down or, on my side, if you add a rubber duck or something like that, you end up getting free shipping. So you're basically getting that product for free. So that's definitely the way to go. The other one that I have going on I'm not sure if you've got this one going on yours, but if you buy the complete bundle, the complete eye care bundle, that's I think that's eight products in total then that you also get a free hot tub scrub on that as well, and then you're just set. You're set for almost probably six months, for sure a year, on a lot of that product if you just go that route. So the complete eye care bundle gives you absolutely everything you're going to need to take care of your hot tub. If you're a saltwater hot tub, you're still going to need some salt and cartridges yet, but otherwise you're going to be sitting pretty darn good.

Speaker 2:

And then I don't, so it's actually 10 products 10 products.

Speaker 1:

Okay, what's all of it?

Speaker 2:

It's 10 products plus the free Plus hot tub scrub.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so 11 products total. What else in that kit?

Speaker 2:

Go ahead Sorry.

Speaker 1:

What else in that kit?

Speaker 2:

So you're going to have your Okay. So in the initial 10 products, you're going to be your chlorine, which is a two pound container of chlorine. You're going to get non-chlorine. You're going to be getting your pH up. Alkalinity increase her, you're going to be getting your pH down. You're going to be getting your scale inhibitor. You're going to get your water clarifier, You're going to get your defoammer, you're going to get your filter soak, you're going to be getting your cover protect and then you're also going to be getting your hot tub scrub.

Speaker 1:

So those are the 11 products, that's that bundle of 10 that you had in the yes, so I have all that and Jim has all that as well, and so you get that's another buy, buy one, get one free type product.

Speaker 1:

So I believe those are all of the buy one get ones that we've got going on and then I've got on my site as well. So if you use the code save 10, everything else on my site is you get 10% off. That won't include the eye cares and I don't believe if you do the bundle, you can't do the bundle and the 10% off, but you can get 10% off everything, and whether that includes all the stuff we've already talked about, or the rubber duck, or the measuring cups, or the quick drain that I have, or the speakers, or the filter spinner, that is all 10% off. This is the only time this year that you guys are going to see this on sale. So if you're looking for any of that, it's a good time to do that, and, again, that sale will end on Monday. I don't know anything else you got going on that we need to be talking about.

Speaker 2:

Or as far as Black Friday sales, the only other thing that is you'll see on our see on our site would be the salt system. So we have our ideal salt water system. We're giving the same thing. If somebody buys the ideal salt water system, they're going to get free soft skin spa the full box. So they would save another $129 off that entire package.

Speaker 1:

And how much is your salt system? If you were going to add your salt and this is something that anybody can add on their hot tub, correct?

Speaker 2:

So our salt system allows you to make any hot tub a salt water hot tub, because there's three different ways you can install it, but that the ideal salt system is $499. And then you get your free soft skin spa, which is that $129 value.

Speaker 1:

So that's a good value Because in your particular salt system doesn't have any cartridges or anything.

Speaker 2:

So it's a one time purchase and once it's there, Correct yeah, it's up Right, so that it does have a cell and that cell, instead of placing it all the time you're, you're going to actually clean it. And that cell is designed to last anywhere from $1 to $2. One to three years depending on your run time of your salt system. So for most hot tubs they're going to get between two and three years. It's really the swim spa. If you install that on a swim spa, where you're going to get closer to a year because you have to run it longer, because you're dealing with more water, but that cell can be replaced. It's a very easy exchange because it's just a very simple low voltage connection.

Speaker 1:

And it's. You've had extremely good luck with that, from what I understand. It's gone very well for me.

Speaker 2:

Yes, very good, yeah, and it just depends it. Literally. Some people can order it, plug it into the wall that's five feet away from your hot tub, install the controller on the outside of the hot tub and then the cell goes into the water. That's the easiest application, it's the most universal, may not look the prettiest but it at least allows you to add to make your pot tub a salt water hot tub. And the kit includes, for you to install it, any one of these three ways.

Speaker 2:

So that's number one way, the first way to be able to install it. The second we include a wiring harness to where, if you want to get your power from your spa pack, it allows you to get your power from your spa pack. And then the third way of doing it is we include a bulkhead fitting that allows you to put that somewhere in the hot tub to have direct access from your equipment to your hot tub water area. But the instructions are all on the kit, but we make it. The kit includes all the components you need. You just decide which and how you want to have it installed.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I've worked with a few people that have been involved with it lately and they've been really happy with it and it's doing really well. So I think that wraps up our Black Friday specials that we got going on. Would that be correct? I think we've got them all there.

Speaker 2:

It does.

Speaker 1:

Now, do you have a code that anybody needs to use, or is it just an automatic on the ideal page? Is it just going to be an automatic?

Speaker 2:

It's an automatic, so it's going to work.

Speaker 1:

He was freezing when he first got into the office. So I'm laughing that he's taking his code off, because when he first got up here about 10 minutes before we went on, he's oh, it's freezing. And they went and got his coat and I laughed because he got his big coat. But it must be warming up in there pretty quickly. And then on my website the bundles are going to be automatic, but if you want the 10%, you do have to type in save 10. And again, all the discounts and all the links are down below in the show notes. So check that out there. So, with that being said, let's talk about some of the new exciting stuff you've got going on, because you've been a busy man, you got a lot going on.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we've got a few different things. Where do you want to start?

Speaker 1:

Let's check out these new hot tubs that you're selling. Let's see what we got going on there. Let me see if I can get them pulled up.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so this project many of you Jackie knows how long I've been in the industry, but I've been in the industry for a little over 35 years and I, about two and a half years ago, I started designing and engineering a spa brand and that spa brand is Riptide. So you can actually our site's just getting started, but it's RiptideSpotcom and I work with a manufacturer that's been in the industry for a little over 30 years, so they're well established, and I actually had the opportunity to see a video of the new factory, and this factory is state of the art. They invested a little over a little over $100 million in this factory and it is fully automated. Robots make the hot tubs, they drill the holes, they do the fiberglassing, they do the testing. It's unbelievable, and I've been to many different manufacturing facilities. There is nobody that has a facility like this, in the precision, the accuracy, the consistency is second to none, and so manufacturing is very well established.

Speaker 2:

But one of the things when I was designing this brand was I wanted to make sure that it was built with simplicity in mind Not necessarily simple, but utilizing simplicity to build a product that is built the way things used to be built. So one of the things is we use seven different layers of insulation and there are different requirements based on the state that you are selling into. So for those that don't know, the CEC, which is the California Energy Commission, created a guideline that if you want to sell in California, that it can only cost X amount to operate that body of water and any manufacturer that wants to sell in California pass to abide by this code or this regulation. Now other states have adapted this. It's called Title 20. And if the manufacturer wants to sell in those different states, it is designed to be able to be energy efficient, and so you'll see stickers on hot tubs that will show how many kilowatt hours, based on the standard that was created, of what it's going to cost you on average every month. So, as an example, we have one of our larger hot tubs at 7 foot 7 by 7 foot, 7 by 37. So it's a large hot tub, and other people in that category are costing about 250 to 280 kilowatt hours. During this test we came in at 125 kilowatt hours. So it literally is half of what other manufacturers and those other manufacturers have complied with the CEC or Title 20.

Speaker 2:

So it's not as though they're not energy efficient. They're just not as efficient as what we are, and there's a couple of things that we do differently. One is that seven layer insulation. Two is our circulating system is different than most. We do have a circulating pump, but it's a larger pump that doesn't require for it to run all the time. And one of the neat things with iCare we've been able to see these different applications. So iCare goes in any hot tub and we can actually see when that hot tub doesn't get enough circulation because of the way that iCare is testing.

Speaker 2:

So, because of what we found out there, we wanted to make sure that when we designed these hot tubs that we were getting enough circulation. And the circulation, again, it's not just about filtering 24 seven, it's about having a motor that is large enough, that has enough power to move the water from one side to the other. And a lot of companies use a very small motor and it's not that it's not filtering, it just doesn't move all of the water in that body of water. So again, when we designed and engineered them, we wanted to make sure they're very energy efficient. We wanted to make sure that they were circulating the water enough, filtering the water enough to be able to have crystal clear water.

Speaker 2:

The other thing with these hot tubs is they're all salt water ready. So we already put our bulkhead fitting. Earlier we talked about how you can install that salt system one of three ways we put that bulkhead fitting into the shell. So the installation of the salt system is very easy. It literally is going to take. It'll take longer to take the door off and put it back on the new install. The salt system. That's how easy we've made it for this. Icare, of course, can go in any of our hot tubs. Our filtration is a dual filtration, so we have anywhere from two to three filters in our hot tubs. One is designed for the circulating system and the other are for the jet pumps, so, again, making it super easy to be able to take care of your water and the clarity.

Speaker 1:

So is that a three pump system? So do you?

Speaker 2:

have where you're going to say something.

Speaker 1:

Was that a three pump system? Do you have one jet pump and a circulation pump or?

Speaker 2:

So it depends on the model. So our larger models, like the one I was referring to, that has two main jet pumps plus a certain pump, all single speed. And the reason why we use single speed is because single speed motors historically last longer than two speed motors, because there's less off and on to it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So our circulating system is going to function based on when it needs heat or when you want it to go through its filter cycles, and then your main jet pumps only function when you're using your hot tub.

Speaker 2:

So the other thing, and so, to answer your question, we do have some models that are smaller that are going to have one main jet pump plus the circulating pump. So it just depends on the size of the hot tub that determines how many motors we have. But again, going back to the engineering aspect of it, we've simplified our skews so that way the retailer and the consumer doesn't have so much to worry about with all these different parts. So one of the neat things we do is the jet pump that we use on our smaller hot tub and we have one in there and we can go to our largest hot tub, which is going to have two. It's the identical, same motor that we use across the board on all models. It's the same circulating system, it's the same control panel, it's the same control board, it's the same heater. So it's very easy to be able to take care and service any one of our hot tubs.

Speaker 1:

So less parts needed to be in stock, which is going to help.

Speaker 2:

Yep, and then we also have a series of of our spas that now have patented jets. So our patented jet is a ultra thin jet. So when and it's not so much when you're using the hot tub of the jets wrong because you're realistically your back's not right against the shell it's more about when, and I'm about you, jackie, but there's a lot. Most of my time I'm not even running my jets, I'm just enjoying the hot water and I want to sit back and relax. And the value of these ultra thin jets is when the jets aren't on and you're leaning against it, you feel absolutely nothing. So it's a very comfortable seat because we have our patented ultra thin jets.

Speaker 1:

Very cool. So that's no longer protruding out and it's. Are they recessed in as well, or are they you just they're so they're.

Speaker 2:

they are recessed. Yeah, I'm telling you, they're the thinnest jets you'll see. They look amazing. They have a stainless steel. Look, you don't feel them. So I know there's manufacturers that will give recess jets. The reality is it recesses it but you still feel it on your back. This you won't feel on your back Because we do have another series of hot tubs that we use, the traditional jets like everybody else. Even though they might look a little bit different, they still have a very similar functionality. We do recess those but you do feel them. I've said in both and even though they're recessed, you still feel them.

Speaker 1:

So that's exciting. And then I see you're doing a steel frame on that as well.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so the very bottom of it is all steel frame. Yes, so it's all steel frame and all of our exterior is a synthetic exterior, very easy to service. So for somebody did, let's say, something did happen which again these are made by, I would say, by people like you and me, but now it's made by robots. But so it still can have issues and we want to make sure that it's easy to take care of, easy to be able to do a repair, because if a motor does fail you want it to be able to be able to get in and out very easily. We do have isolation valves to where a lot of manufacturers you have to drain the hot tub to go replace a major component. With ours you don't have to. You can isolate it, take out an individual component, put the new component in and then open up the isolation valves and you're up and running again. So it's a very quick and easy, very serviceable way to take care of the hot tub.

Speaker 1:

So very incredible. And then swim spas. Let's talk about those a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so the swim spas. We just got done with a national show and we had one of our 18 footers there, and so this was 18 foot by, basically eight foot wide, by a little over five foot tall, and it it's a beast. So in our swim spas we have four swim jets, basically two up high, two or two down low. They do work independently. They have their own individual pump for, so each of those two swim jets have its own pump. And then on the opposite end of the swim spa, we have a seating for four people that is a traditional pot tub, and you're going to have another pump for that to where you can run all of your massage jets.

Speaker 1:

So are you talking about the Athena or the?

Speaker 2:

And then so that one. So these are. So what you're looking at is actually. So there's two different sites. So our site for the States again, because this manufacturer has been manufacturing for over 30 years and we still need to do some updates on our site, the.

Speaker 2:

It's our 18 footer, which you'll see it as a five. Potentially you're going to see it as 5.5. I need to make sure that our web developers doing it the way they they should be and I need to give them more direction. But in the end we have an 18 footer that you can order two different ways either a little over five foot tall or a little over four foot tall. So, depending on the depth that you want, you can order that two different ways. And then we have a 14 and these and it's not that we don't have others here in the States, these are going to be the ones that are most people are going to want to purchase.

Speaker 2:

So the 14 and a half footer again same application four swim jets on one end, a whole hot tub or a seating for four on the other end. We make that in two different heights, also A little over five foot and a little over four foot. Again, same insulation properties as our hot tub, so they're incredibly energy efficient and they all include covers, so regardless of the hot tub, you're automatically going to get a cover. The lifters are at accessory steps or an accessory. Salt is. The salt water system is an accessory, even though they're salt water ready and our swim spas are also salt water ready. That's new. I have not heard of the salt water ready swim spa.

Speaker 1:

yet that is brand new to the market, then.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You'd be the first one to go to the salt water. Yeah, I don't know of anybody else, that does the salt water.

Speaker 2:

So, what we do on the swim spas. Yeah, thank you. So what we do on the swim spas is that has two different skimmers on it and we put that bulkhead fitting to where, if for some reason you have heavy use and you need two salt systems on there, you have the ability to add two salt systems to it. So some people will, some people won't, but we wanted to make it easy, if for some reason they did need to, that they could put two cells, one in each skimmer.

Speaker 1:

Got to and so far you've been pretty good with one at this point.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Okay, so with the 18 footer, realistically people are going to need two. The 14 footer is the one that's really in question, because our salt system can go up to 2,500 gallons. But when you do that, your salt levels tend to need to be higher and you need to run it 24 seven, so it shortens the life of that cell. That's where you're going to get one year out of that cell because you're running it 24 seven.

Speaker 1:

That makes total sense to me. So if somebody was interested in one of these, how does that go for them? How can a consumer purchase one of these at this point in the game?

Speaker 2:

There are retailers across the United States that they can purchase these from, but if, for some reason, they can't find a retailer that's close by, we would work with them directly and they can simply go to info at idealwatercarecom and send us a message and say they want to know more about it.

Speaker 2:

Okay, obviously we're going to need to know their information of where it needs to be shipped to, but ultimately we want there to be a local retailer to where they're selling or the Riptide brand and being able to take care of their local customers because, as much as I would like to say, we can take care of them from anywhere.

Speaker 2:

It's not as easy. They have to be more patient and if there's somebody locally that sells and represents our brand, that would be best for them long term. And maybe they want to go to their local retailer and say you know what? I want to buy a Riptide, but you guys start ordering them and that'll help us gain retailers across the United States. The not every community is going to have a Riptide retailer, and it's simply because we don't want to have everybody and their brother selling the brand. We want to find the right retailer that is going to take care of their customers and you know, wish every retailer would, but they all don't. So we want to make sure that we're working with the best retailer in that given area.

Speaker 1:

And I've always said, when it comes to buying a hot tub, you buy it from the dealer. Don't buy the hot tub that you want from the dealer, because that's who you're going to have the relationship with. So that's very important and I'm really glad to hear that's going to be your philosophy going forward on this. I know you're still working on your website on this, but you're going to probably be live here by the end of the month, you think, on the Riptide.

Speaker 2:

It'll be close. It'll be close. The Riptidespodcom is up and running right now. It's just not as accurate as what I want it to be, so not all the models are on there, not all the series are on there, and so we just want to make it easier for people to be able to navigate our website. We just got done redoing our idealwatercarecom website and that's very easy to navigate, and the same developer is building the Riptidespodcom. So it's just a process and there's going to be.

Speaker 1:

Your ideal watercare it just takes time. Yeah, it does. It's a longer process than anybody ever understands. You think you're going to sit down and wipe it out in a couple hours, and it never works that way. So that's how that goes. We got about 20 minutes left, I think. So you want to talk about? Your other new exciting project. You got going on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so there's actually two more. So one is we have, we're going to have a website. We're going to have a website called idealpergolascom and this pergola is a kit that we can ship to a local retailer. We can ship to the end user. It depends on who wants to install it. So this pergola will actually produce more power than the hot tub, potentially, than the hot tub will consume. So it's a very simple kit.

Speaker 2:

We include all of the metal brackets that allow you to take a six by six post. We do not include the wood. We include all of the brackets so you can go choose your wood of choice. So if you want to use treated lumber and use a six by six post, then and that's the look you want you get that locally. There's no reason for us to ship six by six post across the country. It's not efficient. You can get those locally. If you wanted to use hand-hued beams, you could use hand-hued beams. If you want to use cedar, redwood steel, it's really your choice to give you that overall look for your backyard. But the important part with this is we make it incredibly easy to order the kit, and the kit again is going to include your four top brackets your four base units and then there's two mid brackets that allow you to use six by six posts. So if you wanted to make a 11 by 11 pergola, you would get two eight foot six by six posts and then you would get seven, 10 foot posts for the rest of the structure. So this is going to be angled. It'll be higher in the back than it will be in the front and one of the reasons why we're putting our pergola in an angle like that is because the whole top of the pergola is made out of solar panels.

Speaker 2:

We include all of the solar panels, all of the inverters, which these inverters will automatically transfer the power from DC to AC into straight 220. We include the trunk line that allow it. Literally this is plug and play, so it's called a trunk line. So this trunk line literally allows you to plug and play the panel to the inverter into the trunk line. So at the end of the trunk line there are two wires, there are number 12 wires and so this is a 20 amp 220 system and that gets wired directly into the same sub panel your hot tub is wired into, provided you have two more slots in that sub panel, and it literally will produce more power. And the reason why I say potentially is because it depends on your application. With solar systems you want them facing south, you don't want any shade, and that's going to produce the most optimal power from that solar panel. Now if you put it in a bunch of trees on the north side of the house, it's not facing south. It's going to produce less kilowatt hours. So it depends on your application.

Speaker 2:

This isn't for everybody, but for the people that want to enhance their backyard and have a pergola to protect their hot tub, protect their hot tub cover, give them a little extra privacy, to give them a little protection from the weather. I've even seen people to where they've taken our pergolas. And Jack, I don't know if you've seen those they're like a pull down screen. You can get them at Home Depot or Lowe's. They come in eight foot and 10 foot and if, as long as you make your post 10 foot apart, you then can go install one of those screens and have this pull down screen. If you want additional privacy, to make it almost like a little miniature gazebo where you can have it on one side, two sides, three sides, four sides, it's up to you.

Speaker 2:

So the picture I'm showing right now we include all of the screws.

Speaker 1:

So the picture I'm showing right now is the one of the snow. I don't think you can see that. I've been changing through these pictures as you're talking, but it's so the picture of the snow. I live in South Dakota, you live in Colorado. What kind of snow load can these take?

Speaker 2:

So the neat thing with all of the rails that we use and I've been in the solar business along with the hot tub business, but I've been in the solar business since 2012. So a little over a decade I've been in the solar business. In the all of the things that I have specced out, there is a component underneath that's supporting those solar panels. It's called the rail system, that rail system for Colorado. In heavy snow loads you can actually span up to six feet. Now in the solar pergola that you're showing there, that's the reason for the mid brackets. So we're all actually only spanning five feet in between. So it's more than enough for snow load, and I don't know which particular picture you have up, but how much snow is on the top of that?

Speaker 1:

Oh, I would say probably six inches. Maybe, if I'd have to guess, maybe more.

Speaker 2:

So know that the rail system and the solar panels, as long as you have no more than six feet from end to mid to the next end. So in this case I could go up to 12 feet. What you're seeing is 11 feet from one side to the next, so we're not spanning more than five feet, and it's plenty of strength with all of the equipment that we include with that Great question, though.

Speaker 1:

For sure. Excuse me, do you want to talk about this energy chart that you sent me? Is that where we'd like to go? Maybe?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Okay, let me see if I can get that.

Speaker 2:

So I can't necessarily see the chart, but I'll explain the chart. And I don't know if you can see the surplus area, but what you're seeing is you're seeing the hot tub. Okay, so on there you would see, and this is a monitor that we put on a particular unit that was seven foot seven by seven foot seven by 37. And you're seeing that, the hot tub. I think the kilowatt hours for that given month that it was being used was 147, if I'm not mistaken.

Speaker 1:

Yes, so if I go down seven on there? Yep, yes, I do so. It says net production.

Speaker 2:

So for that given month. But do you see where it says hot tub and it says 147.009 kilowatt hours, so for and this was an application in Colorado and that was for one given month and it was a colder month, so that's the reason why it's sitting at 147. So the hot tub was consuming 147 kilowatt hours for that given month. And if you look at the bottom of the screen, you in this monitoring and we don't include this monitoring system. This is a monitoring system that you can buy virtually anywhere, but you can see how we can look at this in a one second application a one minute, a one hour, a one day, a one week and then a one month. So here is the proof that we're looking at it from a one month point of view, because you can see the month is highlighted. Yes, so in that given month the hot tub was using 147 kilowatt hours. The ideal pergola produced 170 kilowatt hours, so it literally produced more power than the hot tub consumed.

Speaker 1:

Okay. So if I put this pergola on my hot tub here in South Dakota and I let it run for a month, technically I should make more energy than what the hot tub's actually going to use.

Speaker 2:

That is correct. So just and I know this starts getting complicated but a solar system is going to produce a different amount of kilowatt hours based on the month that it is. So an October is not going to produce as much as a a May, June, July, because there's more sunlight, the sun is higher up in the sky, so you're going to produce more during those months, and when it comes to December, that's the worst month. When in January is the worst month because there's not as much daylight and the sun is closer to the horizon, so you're not getting the perfect angle for solar panels, so those month is going to be a little bit less. In the on the other side of the year, you're going to be producing more.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So this is and the neat thing about-.

Speaker 1:

Go ahead.

Speaker 2:

So the neat thing about this being solar is when you purchase this and you purchase the wood of your choice, whatever the total cost is. This qualifies for a 30% federal tax credit.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So let's say you invest $14,000, let's say you invest $14,000 in a solar pergola with a wood installation, electrical, everything. You get $4,200 back in a federal tax credit, provided you qualify for that federal tax credit. So the way you qualify is if you pay taxes, you now get that money back. Or if you owed in taxes, you would then get that money back, but you don't get it back until the next year. So if somebody installed the pergola today, they go do their taxes in January, February, March of next year. That's when they get the money back. You don't get it back right away. So it's installs this in January, they're gonna have to wait till the next year, which is 2025, to do their taxes and be able to get it. So you do it in this year, you get your tax credit for you in the next year. But it's because you're doing this year's taxes and I'm not a tax accountant, but I'm trying to explain it the best that I can but it does qualify for a 30% federal tax credit.

Speaker 1:

So that is okay. This is groundbreaking stuff that you got going on here. So you're making this really cool looking pergola, which, again, you guys are seeing this on screen right now. That lights up. This is actually really awesome and it's got the angle which you need for the sun and all of the things, but you're telling me that it will actually between the tax credit and the energy that it's producing. You're probably it's.

Speaker 2:

This is almost a free one, it'll eventually pay for itself.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It'll eventually pay for itself.

Speaker 1:

yes, Okay, so that's incredibly awesome. How do I get one?

Speaker 2:

Again because our site's not up yet. So the site eventually is going to be idealpergolascom. You would just have to simply email us at info at idealwatercarecom and eventually each one of those sites is going to have its own email address to be able to go to, but for the time being, just message us on info at idealwatercarecom.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and so you are very close to having these ready to go and that type of thing.

Speaker 2:

Now the pergolas are kind of the sites and everything. Yes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the pergolas are definitely a do-it-yourself type, do-it-yourself type product, so you're selling the they can be.

Speaker 2:

So you need to be handy Right. So even if they were to purchase it and then have it somebody install it locally, they could do that. A contractor would be able to or a carpenter would be able to install it, because we include all the screws. The only screws we don't include are on the base plate because we don't know what you're going to attach it to. The base plates have their own brackets that are designed to go into concrete or a wood deck or whatever your base surface is, and because we don't know what that surface is, we don't include that. But all of the screws that would go into the wood we include. All of the brackets to attach the solar to the top we include. We include that trunk line in that and it's going to end with those two wires that a lysis electrician is going to have to go wire from that point into the subpanel. No different than electrician would wire your hot tub to that subpanel.

Speaker 1:

And then, yeah, this is cool stuff. I don't think anybody else is doing anything like this, especially in the US.

Speaker 1:

They're Europe is doing some fun stuff in, just because their power situation over there is incredibly out of control, but they're looking for ways to save some money. But this is exciting and it's a very attractive unit. You did good as far as putting it all together and how attractive that it turns out. I am impressed and I know you've been working really hard on all this stuff for quite a while and it's fun to see that it's finally coming to fruition, because I know what you've been working on and I'm happy to help you spread the news on it, because it's gonna be some very new, exciting stuff and I look forward to seeing what will come out of that. So you got about five minutes to wrap up. What do people need to know?

Speaker 2:

Okay. So just so that I'm clear. I know you said that it lights up. I don't want there to be any confusion. So those lights are an accessory. You can choose whatever type of lighting. So we don't include that in the kit. So I'm sorry. I just wanna make sure that people know exactly what is included. It does come on a pallet and it will have six solar panels, It'll have all the rail, It'll have all of the inverters, but the footprint of that pallet is basically four foot by six and a half feet and everything is stacked on top of that. And for people that have questions on how to install or they run into a hiccup because they're trying to do it themselves, if we can help them, we wanna try to help them. But the kit itself, it's pretty simple and I'm sure you have a blueprint it is cool.

Speaker 1:

You have the directions on how to put it together. I know you're working on a video. I don't know if you've got that done yet or not, but so you've actually created a video, and that's one of the things.

Speaker 2:

Ultimately how many people actually read directions? I'm not good at reading directions, but so the videos are definitely gonna be a helpful tip for consumers to be able to see the step-by-step process on how it gets built.

Speaker 1:

And that'd be huge. And if I can encourage you to get that YouTube video up on, that's gonna be a life changer for you. On that for sure. This is exciting. I'm really excited about your hot tub line. I'm super excited about your pergola line. I'm incredibly excited about the Black Friday specials. Guys, you can save a ton of money this week just with everything that we've got going on there and your salt systems on sale. So any of you that are thinking about doing salt you already have a hot tub. You wanna do a salt system? Check Jim out. He's got some idealwatercarecom and he's got some ways for you guys to do that. You can get the free soft skin spa. You can get the free hot tub scrub If you want the eye care. This is the only time it's gonna be on sale. This is gonna be the best price you are going to see on it, and Jim does know that in the US what the pricing is going to be on that. That's how that goes. But anything else you wanna add, it's Thanksgiving already.

Speaker 2:

So I know we don't have much time, but the next time that we talk I do have and I don't have them yet, but I will have a spa plunge. So I know there's a lot of talk about cold plunges. Ours is going to be a spa plunge, and the difference in a spa plunge versus a cold plunge is a spa plunge would allow you to either make it cold or make it hot, and it's not necessarily that you're going to be doing it from one day to the next. But I believe there's a fear for people saying do I wanna go and invest in a cold plunge? What if I don't like it?

Speaker 2:

And for anybody who's ever done a cold plunge, it's miserable, even though it has its health benefits. You have to want to get in that water and it's not relaxing like a hot tub or a sauna. It's miserable for three minutes at a time, and I believe that there's customers that would like to go and invest in a cold plunge. It can be, but you've got to want to do it, and so that's one of the things that if, for some reason, people go. I wanna go get a cold plunge, but what if I don't like it? After investing thousands of dollars. I don't like it Ours. If you wanted to start off with a cold plunge and go, you know what? This just isn't for me. You can make it a hot plunge, so our systems will allow you to go from 39 degrees to 104.

Speaker 1:

All the way to 104.

Speaker 2:

And there's salt water. Oh, go all the way to 104. And they will be salt water ready.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's huge. There's, I will tell you, I've been. The cold plunges are hit in the market and there's some things that people are asking for and things that people are struggling with, and I think the ability to have salt water is gonna be huge and the fact that you can get all the way to 104,. I've seen some hot cold once, but they only get up to 84 degrees. So there's still a pool and where I live that's not hot enough. I can use it in the summer, but it wouldn't be anything I could use in the winter. I do enjoy cold plunging. I need to get one so that I can be a bigger advocate for it, but at this point I don't have one at this exact moment. But that's big news to you. You got some good stuff. You're. You've been doing a lot of research and doing this. Those are exciting. We'll schedule probably after the first year we'll schedule another podcast where you get to talk about your what do you call them?

Speaker 1:

What did you call them Cold plunges?

Speaker 2:

They're gonna be. I spa plunge.

Speaker 1:

Spa plunge versus a cold plunge spa plunge, Like it Like it a lot.

Speaker 1:

Hey guys, you will be hearing from me again. Sorry that I disappeared for about a month there, but feeling much better and I'm back around and I want to wish you all a super happy Thanksgiving. Happy Black Friday shopping, Enjoy time with your family and friends. We all need to just slow down a little bit and say be thankful for what we have and just thrilled to be here and help making you guys happy hot tubbers and we will talk to you again next week.

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