Tub Talk With The Hot Tub Lady
Welcome to Tub Talk with The Hot Tub Lady, your ultimate relaxation destination for all things hot tub and spa-related! Dive into our weekly live podcast where host and industry expert Jacque, The Hot Tub Lady, shares her wealth of knowledge, tips, and tricks to help you create the perfect oasis in your own backyard. Tub Talk has got you covered, from maintenance advice and product reviews to interviews with leading experts and inspiring stories from hot tub enthusiasts. So grab your favorite drink, slip into your swimsuit, and let's get bubbly as we explore the soothing world of hot tubs together.
Tub Talk With The Hot Tub Lady
Diving into the Health Perks of Hot Tubs
Ready to uncover the rock star power of hot tubs? Join us and our guest, Vince, from Hot Spring Spas and Pool Tables 2 of Fargo ND as we dive deep into the world of hydrotherapy and its transformative effects on wellness. Forget about the trappings of fame and fortune, and imagine a lifestyle where physical, mental, and emotional health take the front seat. Vince, who is a seasoned hot tub salesperson, shares his insights on how hot tubs can serve as an antidote to daily stress and a healthier option for relaxation.
We've compiled intriguing testimonies from those who've experienced the magic of hot tubs firsthand. Listen to stories of improved sleep cycles, strengthened bonds, and the creation of safe spaces for meaningful conversations. Vince also walks us through why the present moment is the perfect time to invest in a hot tub. We explore the science behind the fascination, including how circulation, buoyancy, jet action, and hydrostatic pressure can reduce stress and enhance overall well-being.
In the final segment of our discussion, Vince delves into the emotional and physical benefits of hot tubs from his unique perspective. We learn about the potential of hot tubs to mend relationships, offer relief from stress, and even manage challenging emotions. From Dr. Becker's studies to the rituals that maximize these benefits, we navigate the path to holistic wellness. Whether you're seeking relaxation or recovery, give this episode a listen and find out how a hot tub could be your ticket to a healthier, happier life.
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And today I have one of my very dear friends, Vince, from Fargo. This could be a, this could be a fun show. Today we're going to bring Vince on and hey, Vince, how you doing today.
Speaker 2:Oh, we're rocking and rolling, rocking and rolling.
Speaker 1:Just so you guys all know, I asked Vince kind of last minute. I said hey, you want to do the podcast on on Tuesday? And he's yeah, absolutely. And I said what do you want to talk about? And he said sex, drugs and rock and rolls. I'm like I can run with that what you got.
Speaker 2:Ah, sex, drugs and rock and roll. No, when you asked me and I think I was out riding bike in Las Vegas and I'm like shoot Vegas, sex, drugs and rock and roll. But it's an interesting, it's a statement, right, you've heard over the years, but really I think I meant to say you can, you too can live like a rock star and and yeah, and live like a rock star without the sex, drugs and rock and roll. But uh, anyway, I thought it was just cool thing to say at the time.
Speaker 1:And it's, but there's some truth to it. As we know, the life that you can live as a hot tub owner, you really can live like a rock star. And you, we were talking just for a little bit, we literally took two minutes, and I'm like, hey, what do you want to talk about? And he said, well, there's a course and. But you can take a rock star life and live it because you have a hot tub, and that's something that you know better than anybody. So I'll let you just tell us what you think living a rock star life would be like.
Speaker 2:Or, as you can see behind me, our mission is every day made better because we we know when you sit in a hot tub, when you sit in hot water, you're physically better below the water, you're mentally better above the water and you're relationally, spiritually, emotionally better beyond the water. And that's something we talk to our employees here every day about, and that this, it's not a hot tub. The customers are after, they're after that rock star life. We'll play with the rock star theme. Okay, that rock star life. We want to be better.
Speaker 2:And one thing I over the last month talked to every single employee about, you got to understand in the United States of America today and again, our sex, drugs and rock and roll theme is good forever. The number one sought after attributes are fame and fortune. I got to be famous, I got to be rich and I need to be a rock star, I need to be a movie star and recent history and you know this, jackie those two attributes have been dramatically replaced with wellness. I just want to be, I just want to be better. I want to be a better person, I want to be a better spouse, I just want to be better. And guess what? We deliver that or can deliver that better than anybody in the world.
Speaker 1:Right, and you can, and there's so many reasons why and you mentioned all that earlier. You mentioned better physically, mentally, spiritually, all those things. And we aren't doing any of that with a pill. We aren't doing any of that with alcohol or any of the things that make you sleep better, make you feel better. All of that is happening because you're sitting in a hot tub and you're performing better at work. You name it all the things. There is a reason that a hot tub ties back to that, and you're a really avid bicyclist. What are you on for miles this year?
Speaker 2:8,036 miles.
Speaker 1:So easily going to hit the 10,000 gold this year.
Speaker 2:I don't know about easy. We were just talking about what it's already. October and winter is going to hit. Once that hits, then things slow down, so it's going to be really close. But yeah, that's what I do, and guess what allows me to do that. And without, without that vehicle of hot water and the ability to recoup, recuperate and stay healthy physically, without the hot water it could not be done. I guarantee it can't be done.
Speaker 1:No, it's a 100%. I am definitely not as physically active as you are, but I could tell you that I could not live my life I would not have been able to recover from my knee surgery, all the things if I didn't have that hot water every single morning, and I have evolved into a morning user. I am now a morning user versus an evening user.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's your ritual and you really need that ritual in the day. It's part of your. It's part of your daily fabric. If you will, after a while, you can't, you certainly can't live without it. And we you talked about Ben before I forget you talked about being professionally better. That's exactly right, jackie. If you look and took a self assessment and I could give you, conservatively, the ability to improve yourself by 50%, would you say yes or no? I have a tool for you to do that. Yes, yes, yeah, that answers yes.
Speaker 2:So let's break this down a little bit. Let's do a self assessment. If, by using hot water on a daily basis, if I could just get better by 10%, just increase my quality of life by 10% there's 10% Because of that mentally if I could just improve that by 10%, and when I? Mentally, you could break that down. As we talked that 100 different directions. But let's just talk about the school, going back to school. That was one of my recent advertisements. Why a hot tub back to school makes you smarter. Why, basically, blood flows better. It gets the brain things work better. Up there it was.
Speaker 2:Winston Churchill wrote 36 books while sitting in a hot tub. Ben Franklin said I don't know what it is, but I just feel smarter when I'm around. I'm in hot water and that's because of the blood flow. So mentally, we're getting better by 10%. Emotionally, by just sitting in hot water daily, conservatively, are we better? Yes, let's go 10%. Relationally 10%, as you said. Professionally 10%, that's over 60%. Right there, what's easy to do is also easy not to do. You've made it a ritual of your morning, so it's a great, not only a great way to start the day, but a great way to improve who you are by a significant amount each day.
Speaker 1:And it's. It just is it's. There's so many things physically, like you had talked about. You're getting more oxygen in throughout your body, your blood's flowing faster, mentally you can, your brain is working better. It's a for me, it's a time to just shut down and just reset. That that's a big thing for me, for. And then just the physical recovery when you're sore and achy, and the pain relief, all those things that help so much. And then sleeping better. I'm a morning user, but the fact that I use mine in the morning helps me sleep better at night, and I know that as well. That's.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you. In just that statement there there's so many trigger words that I could go down different paths and and forget what's funny just said. But yeah, it does help you sleep better. But it also, oh yeah, reset, and that's a huge word, because I don't care who you are in the United States today, life beats you up. You could be the CEO of Bell Bank downtown Fargo or you could be the guy flipping burgers at Burger King. We all get up in the morning, hopefully with good intentions. Today's my day. I'm going to make it happen. Guess what Life gets in the way, right man? It's cold out. Kids in school. This guy cut me off in traffic. I don't get along with this employee. This customer said that and it just compounds and by the end of the day, you are beat down and I'm going to end of the day.
Speaker 2:User of the hot tub. You have to reset and unless you have hot water or hot tub, you don't know how wound tightly you are. And by sitting in heat, hot water and, by the way, hot water transfers heat 25 times faster than air you can only cover. You reset 25 times faster, unless you have the ability to go to that daily ritual that is hot water. How are you resetting? And we know the answer is there. That could be alcohol, that could be a whole number of different ways that really don't spell the word wellness very well, do they?
Speaker 1:No, they don't. That takes you down that whole other side of the rock star life that we were talking about. That's just not. It's a healthy way on every level, whether it's mental, whether it's physical, whether it's just sleep. All of it just makes such a difference. And the big thing for me is go back to sleep, just because if you're not sleeping, you can't heal. So your body cannot repair itself if you're not getting going to sleep. And the fact that a hot tub helps you sleep better is gigantic, and that hot water just does so many things. That heats up your body, so you have to. Your body has to cool down to go to sleep and for me that's actually been a struggle lately. I've been waking up at night because I'm too hot and maybe I need to go back to my evening use on that, but it's because your body has to cool down. Try sleeping in a room that's too hot. It's just almost impossible to do you do have to cool down.
Speaker 2:You have to. Yeah, if I hear one more my pillow commercial helps you sleep better, I'm going to throw a pillow through the window. It drives me nuts. Yeah, it may, but again, the ability to reset or unwind. And I'm telling you, if you have a hot tub, try this. Go two, three days in a row without using it at night and lying in bed, and you'll realize how gosh I am one tight and this getting to sleep thing isn't working like it should, and dang it. I tried to save a few minutes, but now I got to get up and go sit in the hot tub for 20 minutes. It'll be my good night to sleep will be a great payback for that 20 minute investment. And so, yeah, it's, it's a hundred percent a great vehicle for sleep which, like you said, that's where recovery, the real recovery, takes place.
Speaker 1:So for me, when I can't sleep, what I find myself going getting up and doing is I'll go go grab the phone, which I shouldn't do.
Speaker 1:And then I'll scroll in and I'll look. I'll be looking for ideas and it's I'm working. I actually ended up start working. I'm not just mindfully looking at TikToks or something like that. I'm actually trying to find ideas and ways to help market and that type of thing. And then the next thing, you know, it's three hours later. And if I just would have just walked right past the phone, go to the hot tub, like you said, for 20 minutes there's nothing better than sitting in the hot tub late at night when it's just you and nobody else is around and you can just do that for 20 minutes, I guarantee you're going to go back and you're going to go to sleep faster than you would if you'd start stimulating yourself with the TV or the phone or even a book. You will do better if you go sit in that hot tub. It's just, it's a giant bowl of medicine and we just need to use them, and we need to use them every single day.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and remember when the Bella Fontana waterfall was introduced, the jets or the waterfall, which is way cool, but customers used to ask me what's that for? And I'm like that's a jet for your mind. That day where you're at work and you want to kill someone, by God, you're going on the whole way home You're figuring out a way to do it and then all of a sudden you end up in the hot tub and you're staring at that waterfall for 20 minutes and by the time you get out you're like, yeah, I got it. I'm still going to kill somebody, but by then at least you forgot who that was. And yeah, that's so. You know you were talking about sitting in it by yourself huge, and I think most people do. It's just your time. It's a way to just for whatever you do in there, to be grateful, to look at like I mine's outside. I like looking at the sky, and you always know now that's getting pretty deep, but there's always something bigger out there, and so that is typically how we sit in a hot tub. Whether you're about a eight person, 10 person, six person, 90% of the time it's one person. But that's a good transition into the relational part of this vehicle that we call a box of water box of hot water and there's so many great stories from customers of what this product does relationally. And I just recently told the story again by sold a hot tub to a psychologist who graduated from Notre Dame and it was a three hour shopping process and by the end of it I'm like dang it, ken, it's just a box of little hot water, it's all it is hot tub. He bought it and a couple months later ran into him at the home show in Fargo and came up to me and really didn't look me in the eye but he was like I got to tell you that's one of the best things I've ever bought my kids. Normally I can't get them to say anything about anything of anything. Now I get him into the hot tub and I can't get him to shut up. I know everything that's going on at school with their friends and what they're doing, what's coming up this weekend, what's the buzz in school, what's not cool. And even my daughter says hey, dad, this is when do we get? She calls it father daughter time.
Speaker 2:And the relationship, part of the self improvement, is real as well. And one more every, every relationship is different. Right. There's a friend, a customer of ours farms up north, and she says I wear multiple hats on the farm I'm a cook, I'm a bus driver, I'm a school teacher, I'm a farm hand, I'm a house cleaner. It's only at the end of the day, when I get to sit in this with my husband do I get to be a wife. So it's the weekend talk for the next three hours and just the stories you and I have probably gained over the years from the relational aspect of this. And gosh, right now, I wish the whole world was listening to this, because this stuff is real and it truly is. Again, it's not the hot tub, it's a vehicle to take us to that sex, drug and rock and roll, rock star lifestyle that we deserve, and it's really one of the only vehicles that can get you there faster and in the right way. It's awesome.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and for me the relations relational aspect of hot tubbing is my favorite part of it. My kids are out of the house now but when they were home that was such a big deal because the kids would be 100 percent. That's when they would talk to me and tell me everything that was going on and that was absolutely gigantic and I didn't realize it until they actually left the house how big a deal it really was. Because my youngest would always be like mommy want a hot tub and he would actually come up and visit with me and I didn't realize that meant mom, I need to talk. He would come up from Sioux Falls and be like mom, I want to come use the hot tub this weekend, and I'd be busy and be like, yeah, go ahead go ahead.
Speaker 1:He's no. Mom, I need you to come with me. I'm like I don't have time right now and shame on me, because you always should have time to hot tub. And then I realized when I did go sit in the hot tub that he had something really big he needed to talk to me about and that that is absolutely gigantic. And that's the place that he has learned to feel safe and that's where he could get my attention and no distractions and that's where hot tubbing is.
Speaker 1:Personally, it has affected my life and, again, like you said, all the stories that we've gotten from customers over the years, that's where the best ideas come from. You were talking about Winston Churchill earlier, about how that there's physiological reasons why you think better in a hot tub. There's also physiological reasons why you leave fight or flight mode when you're in a hot tub and that's when you can have the best conversations with your significant other, with your children, with just a good friend. That it's having a rough time or not having a rough time, but that's where the bonds begin are in that hot tub, in that warm water. So I know I got to trigger your like yeah, you did.
Speaker 2:But, Anna, I was just doing some training videos this week and in from life to give me an area of space where somebody isn't on their cell phone. It is absolutely. It's the world we live in, but it's insane. Even I bike a lot so I got to pay attention to vehicles and there is nine out of 10 people or even on their cell phones while in the vehicle. But the cool thing about the Hot Tub is it's the cell phone doesn't function very well and that geographical space doesn't, so it's magic.
Speaker 1:And we actually have a rule at our house, that's the no phone zone. The video comes or the phones come out every once in a while when we're trying to shoot a video for whatever reason, but other than that we don't take the phones out to the Hot Tub and that makes a difference as far as actually visiting and talking and actually doing our thing. And my husband, his big thing is he wants 10 minutes to unwind before I start talking to him. He's give me 10 minutes and then we can talk.
Speaker 2:That's fair enough.
Speaker 1:But he will talk to me at that point and he always talks to me, but that's when he's just I need to let it all go, let the day go away, and then, once I'm ready and relaxed, then I'm all yours. Let's fix the world's problems.
Speaker 2:So I kind of I witnessed the actual work stress of a UPS driver last Friday.
Speaker 1:Oh, tell me more so yeah.
Speaker 2:So my neighbor Bruce. He's a UPS driver over 25 years and my golden doodle, paxton, loves Bruce like that. They're best friends. Yeah, when he sees Bruce come home in the UPS outfit he's through the door over there and they do their bonding. The other day a different UPS driver pulled up and Paxton thought it was Bruce and went after him in the UPS driver wigged out, he said I don't need this, I don't need this. And so I'm sure a day long of battling friendly dogs on the UPS route, the hot tubs and his 10 minute hit.
Speaker 1:That 100% is discussed on our hot tub is the dogs on the route.
Speaker 2:So see how great this product is, that box of hot water. It even transcends the UPS driver and an example of the daily stress that when the time you start out of the day tell you in the day. And obviously Frank has more stress in the day than a dog barking at him in his route. And I know UPS, I worked there for a while. It is a stressful place.
Speaker 1:It is. They know what you're doing every minute of the hour, and it's it is. He needs that. At the end of the day, he really it's a great job, but it's he needs to just unplug from it, and that's the beauty of his job is, when he does get in the hot tub, it's over, the day is over. We get to put the period on the end of the day and he's good that way, but it's we. Everybody thinks that their job is the hardest job that they have. But it takes a lot of people to make this world go round, and that's one of the one of the places that that do is thank your delivery drivers, because they go through more than we all think we do, and thank your Burger King window guy and all those things. That's. It takes a lot, and you discussed it earlier about how everybody's day is rough.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it can be fun if the whole world was listening to this, because you could do a whole segment on a day in the life of a UPS driver and not just the mental stress. But I'm I've seen this. I've seen the seat they're the driver's chair seat, whatever. That just does not look comfortable on a vehicle that probably takes a pounding throughout the day anyway. And the driver has to get up, get down, carry packages, leave the truck, get back in the truck. It's hot out, it's cold out, it's cold out. There's just so many factors that will beat you up over the course of the day. And whether you're a UPS driver or whatever you do, I'm sure we can relate to what it's like between eight and five. And by the time you get home and back to what you said, what are you doing to reset? One of my favorite lines Scott Iverson gave in the last year was gosh, the hot. That's expensive. And Scott says you're expensive, your body's expensive. What are you doing to take care of that expensive machine? And again, hot water is one of the one of the very best things on the planet earth you could do for recovery, for reset, for wellness.
Speaker 2:Here's about 10 pages of just little notes I've taken since 2014 on the body and hot water and the benefits of it. And it's not one size fits all either. We all have different, different issues. I met a guy yesterday and let me find the yesterday. He just had his third surgery on his left foot. You just had knee surgery, right? That wasn't a whole lot of fun, no, no, it's horrible. So three surgeries on the same foot and this is one of the notes. I wrote this probably six, seven years ago. But the foot alone has 107 ligaments, 26 bones, 32 joints and over 7,000 nerve endings, perhaps the most overworked, underappreciated part of the body. 150 pound person carries the weight of a 13.3 mile tall sears tower over a lifetime. And, by the way, the feet are the furthest part, a furthest body part, away from the heart, so they get the least attention by far.
Speaker 2:And if you, for a minute, just thought about what happens when you sit in a hot tub or hot water, yes, you have the heat, which improves circulation. So now, all of a sudden, we're flipping a switch right and telling the heart let's get some more blood down to my feet. But also, you have the buoyancy factor. Unless you work for NASA, this is the only place your body gets to escape your scrabbit. So you're right there, relieving pressure on all those ligaments and all those bones and all those joints and hopefully soothing the 7,000 nerve endings.
Speaker 2:You also have the jet action. There's some getting into a little feature. The jet stream jets down there, feel wonderful on the feet, getting a little massage going. And the fourth thing that we don't think about is hydrostatic pressure. Just being underwater and if you've ever dived down into a swimming pool 8, 10 feet, you can feel that pressure on your ears and your head. That's actually a benefit on your legs and feet because you're getting that hydrostatic pressure. So if you sit in hot water, your feet are basically getting four levels of greatness just from a 20 minute soap, and that's just your foot.
Speaker 1:And you speak so well on that, and that's I need to learn that one. I've got your other ones down and there's quite a few of them that I've learned over the years from you, but I really need to learn that one, because that is such a big thing how many 7,000 nerve endings in your?
Speaker 2:body Over 7,000. And people love to use their feet oh badly.
Speaker 1:And if you could get in the hot tub and just put your foot on that jet for 10 minutes, how many people out there listening right now could use a benefit of a foot massage right now?
Speaker 2:It's incredible and when your feet go bad, that then things start to snowball. All of a sudden my knee hurts, my hip hurts, my hip, my back hurts and it ends up all the way being a mental issue, right, because pain, the inability to do stuff, is very devastating on the mindset. So it's gosh just, it's compounds and it's again a miracle what hot water and the benefits of hot water can do. And I think we're 30 minutes into this and we're just getting started.
Speaker 1:Oh for sure, we're just getting started. This is, and you and I could talk and have talked for decades about this. We really could. What is your favorite customer story of someone who bought a hot tub and it changed their life?
Speaker 2:Oh, that's like almost asking who your favorite kid is there's there. That's a great question. I yeah, it's caught me off guard there a little bit because there's so many. I have Tom Krabinoff Moorhead. He was a paratrooper in Iraq war and like really messed up when he got home. I couldn't there is no way, I'd want to jump out of a plane anyway, but during a combat situation I just. But he was really messed up and truly the hot tub is the only thing that keeps him going and he was in a bad mental state and everything. Like I said, what your feet hurt, your knees hurt and your hip hurts, every just starts compounding and then the worst, the worst pain of all, is your mental pain. And he was in a bad state and gosh. Now I see him once in a while in the showroom but he's always on the radio talking about military, like the VFWs, the military cemeteries. He's very active now and so that's just one customer. I could tell you that it is a benefit.
Speaker 2:But every customer that we preach this daily, that comes in, every customer that comes in by a hot tub and this is going to sound bad, but it's reality has a problem and it and a problem might be too negative a word, but that's the word I use a problem and they're looking for an answer. And it could be like you said I want to spend more time with my kids. I want to make sure my kids are staying at my house and not out and about, and that's another thing we could talk about forever. How many parents are like, yeah, this is awesome, because they're in my backyard, I know where they're at. But there's a problem, and if you could go on and on, it could be Leanne out in Bismarck. She likes to garden and without the use of her hot tub, she can't get down on her knees and bend and do the things she needs to do without it, and that's something we remind our service staff. Hey, if you, as a service tech for hot spring spas and pool tables to you, have to believe in every day made better, if you believe in that and one of our values is problem solving you will solve that person's problem. They're not. They can't get by a hot tub just to have piece of art in the backyard.
Speaker 2:They bought it to solve a problem and I just went out on a delivery recently just role-playing in how we do deliveries and made sure the homeowner was there so we could role-play through the whole process. And he was, and I caught him off guard in front of the delivery guys. I'm like, hey, robert, I tell all my guys all the time that this is probably the third biggest investment homeowner makes. You know your house, your car, and then the hot tub. And without anything, he said, yeah, my friends have snowmobiles, some have boats, some have a motorcycle, I have a hot tub. And he even said I get to use this 365 days a year where they can't. He also went on to say my daughters are so fired up because each of them have a birthday coming up in the next two weeks and that's where their birthday party was going to be at.
Speaker 2:Again, I think you can understand the dynamic of this product is not just a hot tub, it's not just a commodity, it is a wellness machine, it is a self-improvement machine, it is everything. We're saying it and more, and we'll talk a little bit more about wellness and what we mean by that moving forward. But yeah, it's customer stories. They're real and there's a lot of them.
Speaker 1:There is so many and I've been working with some new sales staff and I've been trying to. I'm like it's all about the relationships. Once you get to know these people and they start telling you the stories and they're all real and the problems, like you said, have been solved and everybody's is different, everybody's. It might be my knees hurt because I just had knee surgery. It might be, like you said, my kids need help. I've had a lot of married couples come in and be like we need help. We need to figure this out and I will tell you the guys think different things are going to happen than the wives do.
Speaker 1:But what?
Speaker 1:Every single one of them comes back and afterwards and they're like we talk and that was something we never did before we had the hot tub is we actually talk and it helps, it does all of that, and whether it's just fixing that rift in the relationship or it's letting you reset, getting that mental wellness in place and I've been through enough stuff in my day that I can tell you there's been a few times that if I did, wouldn't it have the hot tub.
Speaker 1:I don't know how I would have made it through and that's, and there's not anybody who has a hot tub that can't tell you that was their place of solace, that they could just go and reset and calm down and think about the things, and it just makes a huge difference for that, and this time of year is the best time of year to sit in a hot tub. I absolutely love soaking in my hot tub in the fall. I've got a really good view out my backyard and I can see the leaves changing and that type of thing, and it's definitely the best time of year to buy a hot tub. The manufacturers are all stepping up and doing some really great things, so you've got that going on too. So if you're ever thinking about buying one, now is the perfect time. You got anything to add on that, or you?
Speaker 2:want to add I do. Yeah, yes, the fall is. Jackie said the fall is the best time. No, every day is the best time to use this, if you buy it. But the fall is beautiful. Winter is beautiful, even like. Even I get it the summer's hot. Fortunately in Fargo it cools down at night. But even if you're living in, it's 80 degrees at 10 o'clock at night, in the hot tub it's still 104. So when you get out it's going to be cooler. But we were talking about couples come in and they have a problem, and it's it. Light bulb went off. It's hard to be in a bad mood when you're sitting in a hot tub. You can tell you're going to pallet, you're going to go on there, you just can't do it, that's a true statement yeah, you cannot be in a bad mood, and it's that right.
Speaker 2:There is magic, so it's. Every day is the best day to use the hot tub. Right, there is no yesterday, that's gone, tomorrow's never going to come, so all you have is today. That's why we say every day made better, yeah, it's magic. Very blessed to have done this my whole career. And the fun thing about it is and I do think about this often like I couldn't sell life insurance, I couldn't sell stocks, I couldn't sell financial.
Speaker 2:The nice thing about this is everything we've just talked about, especially the last segment. You really get to know your customers and, like I was talking to an interviewer guy yesterday, it comes from a different industry and I said the cool thing about what we do is our customers and it's that relationship. And is every day perfect? Absolutely not. We're humans. Customers have issues with their hot tubs. We're there to take care of them. Every day made better, problem solving, the whole thing, and it's the dynamic of service and I'm not transitioning here, but customers, if they're upset, it's because they want to be back in hot water. You've taken away their magic drug for a day, a week, whatever it is. It's too long. It's our job to get you back into that. And so when hot tub companies talk service, I don't think we talk about it for the right reasons, and the right we do. But the right reason is, hey, I get it. I need to get you back in hot water so you can do the things you want to do and do them better.
Speaker 1:That's really funny that you bring that up, because one of my pumps went out in my hot tub. I still have a hot tub, it's still running, everything's great. I just I've lost one of my pumps and I'm on the list. It's going to get taken care of here pretty soon, but it's driving me nuts.
Speaker 2:Do I need to make a call? Do I need to make a call? Yeah, maybe OK.
Speaker 1:Can you make that happen a little faster for me?
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:But I'm still fully functioning and there's a lot of times I sit in my hot tub without any jets at all. But I have lost a jet and it has messed up my routine just a tiny little bit because I don't have my timer isn't working now so I can't For me. I go in and I sit in there for two clean cycles and that's 20 minutes. I can't do that right now, so I have to pay attention to the time which takes. It just takes a little bit away from me and I'm frustrated with it, but it's just service, like you said. The reason that I'm frustrated with it is because it's messed up my routine and I can't totally relax because I have to pay attention to the time now where before it would time out for me and then I would know exactly when I needed to get out and you're 100% I need to. It's my solace has been disrupted because that doesn't work for me right now. It'll be again my hot tub's in perfect condition and it'll be fine.
Speaker 2:But we're just using service as a catalyst to reinforce the fact that people use this. They use it every day. We talked before. My favorite bit is customers know when they come into my show room that, yeah, I better use the hot tub a couple of days before because Vince is going to ask me are you using the hot tub? And when you ask some people no, I'm too busy you guess what? You're the one that should be used If you're too busy, and that's what you're telling me, why you can't use the hot tub. That's why you have it. You need to use it. You need to find time to use it, because I wrote something down that you said fight or flight.
Speaker 2:This is the reality of the situation and it is real. Living in the Western world, we are stressed out, and this is pre-COVID numbers. Year to year, we are stressed out 25% more than the year before, and I think that's a collective number. Obviously, you would be done in four years, right? 25, 25, 25, that's all. But we're stressed out more and more every year. Think about what we went through the last three years and where we're at now and the stress level out there. It's incredibly insane. And so what happens when you get stressed out. It was this dude, dr Lipton, university of San Francisco or Stanford, excuse me. And then the Mayo Clinic agrees with this. Dr Lipton says 95% of all illness, mayo Clinic says 83% of all illness on the planet Earth today is caused by fight or flight physical stress.
Speaker 2:What happens when you get into that fight or flight mode? Your autonomic nervous system gets out of whack. Your blood, your circulation slows, not as efficient, not as effective, and bad things start happening there, meaning if the circulation that's trying to feed over 70 trillion cells is diminished, good things are not happening. So when we sit in hot water 101 degrees for 20 minutes or more a day, autonomic nervous system comes back to its ideal state. Your heart beats 121% better or more efficient, excuse me, 33% more efficient, 121% better, trying to feed 60,000 miles of circulatory system to over 70 trillion cells. Good things are happening at an incredible pace. And what's great about it? I don't have to think about all that. When I'm sitting in a hot tub it just feels good. But know this, good things are happening and it's just a backdoor duck away at your home.
Speaker 1:And all of that miracle is happening in 20 minutes.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:You're undoing so much stuff in 20 minutes at 104 degrees and I've read all the studies as well. I can't be as eloquent as you are when it comes to talking about it. But what else in the world can you do that can undo all that stress in that amount of time?
Speaker 2:That's a great question If you can other than a hot tub or sauna. If you can tell me I'm listening, I'm all on board.
Speaker 1:We'd probably figure out a way to sell it, because that is some really good stuff, and the best part about that is again going back to our original theme today. If you're doing that, you still feel good in the morning, you still feel there's no back.
Speaker 2:I think Scott Iverson calls it a hangover. Yeah, and I know me neither. I took this from Rob Neal and just developed it a little more. Rob used to work for Hot Springs Now he's Finlay Osanas but he came up once upon a time with a triangle of wellness, and that triangle was nutrition, physical exercise and relaxation.
Speaker 2:And relaxation is not a bag of chips in a six pack, sitting on the couch at the end of the day. Relaxation only and effectively brought to you by heat, of hot water and bringing that autonomic nervous system back to its ideal state. Now you take that triangle right. What's inside the triangle? Wellness, whether it's your physical wellness, whether it's your mental wellness, your emotional wellness, your relational wellness. And if anything falls outside that triangle, why? Why is that happening? And so it's a pretty simple formula in what we're talking about now. A simple formula in terms of just go sit in that hot tub for 20 minutes a day, and one of my lines I use with customers. They'll come in and say we're shopping for hot tub. We just started oh, I don't sell hot tubs and I just wait to see the reaction of like I sell every day made better, I found over the last 30 years.
Speaker 2:People don't want to buy hot tubs. They're too much work, people don't use them. They cost too much. My neighbors have one. They don't use it. I get it.
Speaker 2:However, we do want to be better parents. We want to be better spouse, want to walk better, talk better, sleep better, do everything better in life we can do because of hot water than we can do without. And that's real and it's real on a daily basis. And again, I'm excited what you said there there isn't anything on the planet earth that delivers what we do better than a hot tub. And heck, the ancient Romans had it back for 5000 BC. They were using hot tubs, and for the right reason. So it's again. We could talk like all day long, and it's something different for everybody. When we talk, we can get into Dr Becker and the Fountain of Youth. Age today isn't defined by chronological years. It's defined by your ability to motion, your speed of recovery and, most importantly, your state of mind, and two ingredients to staying younger 20 minutes of moderate exercise a day, whatever, and 20 minutes of guess what.
Speaker 1:Relaxation.
Speaker 2:And a hot tub. And so Dr Becker, by the way, if you want to do some research, he is probably I don't know if he's still doing it but he was with Washington University or Washington State and the most premier study of the human being and the effects of hot water on the planet earth, and you and I have been fortunate over the years to just grab so much information on his studies and what the miracle of this product does for the human being, and you know what Sure it could be a bathtub. Take a bath every night. However, when you talk about ritual and doing it every day, is a bathtub A lot of work or not?
Speaker 1:Bathtub's more work in a hot tub.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's way more work. I got to fill it up, I got to drain it. It doesn't stay hot. We're a hot tub. You know what? There's no excuses. Just walk out the back door, flip the cover, get in and what is there? Yeah, how many millions of late, how many thousands of languages on the planet earth, and the one common one we have in a hot tub is oh so first thing you say, Frank and I have it, it really is.
Speaker 1:We actually have a game that we literally challenge each other to not say it when we get in the hot tub and like it's a game, like we have bets on it and stuff, you can't do it, you've not say or just you can just see the tension release and it's just every time you not do it. And when you were talking about Dr Becker, he was some of the main resources that I used for my book and, like you said, I have used his wisdom, has done so much for this industry as a whole. But it's true, it's everything we already knew. He just has the facts and the science behind it to prove it that you feel better when you're in a hot tub Bottom line. That's what it's about.
Speaker 2:And, yes, You're exactly right. What if Scott Iverson's best line, probably of all time you get out better than you got in, Absolutely? And with that said, if that is true and it is why wouldn't you want one of these?
Speaker 1:I couldn't live with that one. Honestly, I could not live with that one. I'd always have the one I currently have. But I'm always going to have a hot tub in my backyard. I have had for years and there are so many people that I talked to and a lot of people will come back after they've moved and they've left their hot tub behind, and sometimes it's been one or two years and I'm like, oh my gosh, how did you function that long without a hot tub? And then it's unbelievable to me. But every single one of them is coming back for a hot tub.
Speaker 2:Every single one. Yeah, they know if they've had one. They know If you were just listening in for the first time. Whatever it sounds like, we're pushing hot tubs by by, by, by. No, I spend a lot of my time with the customers that already have a hot tub. You already have it. Why aren't you using it and why do I care? At the end of the day, that's what we do for a living in South Dakota. Like North Dakota, I call North Dakota the big empty. A lot of land mass, but nobody lives here. Heck, this podcast right, there's more people crossing the border southern border on a daily basis than live in North Dakota.
Speaker 2:It it matters. People talk and if we can continue to keep those customers who have our product fired up to use it for the right reasons and they know what they are, they just need to be reminded once in a while. You know what they talk. And again, as your house being the largest investment, your vehicle probably, second hot tub, third, I guarantee you which one makes you better, faster. So it's just, it's an exciting product and, gosh, if you're not going to use it, then don't buy it. There's nothing if you're not gonna buy a hot tub after every, or use a hot tub I don't know, I'm not your guy to help you be better, so I don't know what else to do.
Speaker 1:It's funny because a lot of people that is one of the biggest reasons why people will tell me that they're not gonna do it today because they don't know if they're gonna use it or not. And I'm telling you, if you just get it in your backyard, there is no question, there is absolutely no question. And we do a 100% trade-in value on some of our entry-level hot tubs, and the reason for that is a lot of people are like oh gosh, I don't know if I'm gonna use it.
Speaker 2:I know you're gonna use it.
Speaker 1:So I'm not scared to tell you that I'm gonna give you 100% for a bigger hot tub when you're ready.
Speaker 2:That will be my one sales pitch for this whole hour. Yeah, you're right, customer, if you don't buy the right hot tub, you're not gonna use it. They're different, and that's something for the last 25 years. Why buy hot springs? It's the absolute best ownership experience, which really means better massage, better water, better energy. Translating that into layman's terms, those are the three things we've truly discovered over the last 47 years to whether you're gonna use this a lot or not at all and again, that's a whole nother conversation. If you buy, there is a difference in hot tubs. If you buy the wrong hot tub, there is a chance. Your statement of I'm not, I don't know if I'm gonna use it that could be true.
Speaker 1:I would say, the most expensive hot tub you're ever gonna buy is the one you don't use. And if you don't use it because it is costing you too much or it doesn't fit you correctly or it's hard to take care of, then it becomes a burden. But I'm telling you, if you buy the right hot tub, you're going to use it and you're gonna use it every day and you're going to become it's gonna become basically a religion for you, like it has for so many other people. That's why I have my Facebook group and it just grows every single day. Clean your hot tub filters, if you guys aren't on it, but every day. And we're talking wellness, we're talking maintenance, we're talking all that stuff, and there's so many Facebook groups out there that are doing that. But it has really become its own little subculture, and you and I've been doing this for a long time, a long time both of us have been and just where hot tubs are today, where they were 15 years ago, remember you had to tell people to do giant bathtubs.
Speaker 2:Yes, what's that? It's a hot tub. What do you do with that? You get in it.
Speaker 1:Yes, it has come so far and it's with and I hate to say it, but COVID actually did help the industry get better, because more people realize their need for a hot tub, and it's made a huge difference. A hot tub has become a household appliance and I never, ever thought that I was really going to be part of that movement. I thought I was going to be one of the ones that pushed that movement, but I would say that most people really feel that they need a hot tub in their lives these days.
Speaker 2:I think I'm going to correct you a little bit. I think you wouldn't be doing a podcast if you weren't a big part of that movement. I've known you a long time, known where we live, our lack of population. I'm confident we pushed this product along better than anybody else in the world and we wouldn't be talking about it today. There's probably an easier way. We could have made a career, but, like I said, the nice thing about what we do is it really is making a difference and really is hands-on difference. You can see and touch every day. That's very rewarding and we fought our whole life to put this category on the top. There's a lot of good dealers out there. I get it. They're in our network. But for this moment in time I'm going to high five you, Jackie, and combined, and what you guys have done. I've seen it first. You're my next door neighbor. I've seen it and it's amazing. I wouldn't be short to pat yourself on the back for this. Covid helped, but it was there because of you long before COVID.
Speaker 1:Well, I appreciate that and you've been a big part of that as well. Your passion if anybody has ever talked events about a hot tub, you understand the passion that goes behind that. He's the one that when I'm having a bad day I'm like what am I still doing? He's the one I call because he's what do you mean? What are you still doing? You sell hot tubs, you sell life and you make every day better for everyone. That's a big thing we're going to. We did have a couple people just stop in and say hey, monique Austin says hey, hot tub lady. And then we've got SJ Mills. He says Vince, and then high five.
Speaker 2:We do have that going on.
Speaker 1:So thank you guys for checking in on that. So we're getting right here at an hour already. What, what. Final thoughts.
Speaker 2:Just you know what? Again, quite simply put, it's every day made better. When you sit in hot water, you're physically better below the water, you're mentally better above the water and you're relationally better beyond the water. And it is the real deal. And, like I said, we're just trying to make North Dakota better. One hot tub at a time, every day, made better at a time. If you have a hot tub, use it every day. If you don't have a hot tub, for God's sakes, get one. It's way better than sex, drugs and rock and roll.
Speaker 1:It is. I hate to say it, but it is. It truly is. Guys, thank you so much for joining us today. Don't forget to pick up my book, hot Tub Clarity you can find that on Amazon and join the Facebook group, and thank you for letting me help you become a happy hot tub owner, and we will see you next week.